Friday, October 10, 2008

Welcome to lensyde digital photography

Hello everyone. I am slowly coming up to a point of reorganizing my blogs. This will undergo a smooth phasing out process I hope. Digital photography is my newly found hobby and I am already falling in love with it despite being an amateur photographer. I am sure everyone starts from somewhere. 

On this blog, as "niche" as it can be especially to you internet marketers out there, I would hopefully post everything about digital photography. From the experience that I gain, the newbie gears I just got and to sharing tips and trick I learned from people and from the world wide web.

I welcome you to share the techniques and trick to benefit everyone in the digital photography community. I know there are lots of digital photography forums and websites out there but this one is where I would share my interest on my new found hobby.

Digital photography is emerging from every corners of the earth. I believe one great factor is the affordability of equipments used compared to many years ago. Digital photography is an art and I believe the techniques and tricks to capture a good photo can be taught and learn. In the real life, you may come across events that ought to be captured and treasured. Well, capture and treasure them with a touch of art by indulging yourself into the world of digital photography.

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